Tuesday, March 22, 2011

All the Smart People Have Left the Building

You know the old saying "if I had a quarter..." Well, I don't even want the money.  You can keep it! I just want people to put their cell phone on vibrate or silence ring when in public.  I absolutely find grown people who can't figure this out some pretty annoying pods. 

Oh, listen to my ring tone it so, well, awesome. No I don't want to listen to your, well, lame-ass ring tone. Some people think Reality TV shows are assume and still others think it is the most ludicrous tripe on TV, next to MTV, Commercials, and the Home Shopping junk. 

I know some of you like that stuff and it's OK, if you’re sitting in your home not bothering anyone.  Think of the noisy crap coming out of your cell phone as you hurry to shut, that stick in eye, up. (I don't know anyone who casually answers their cell phone that has a loud obnoxious ring tone).  You know the shit is lousy stupid, so why are you putting it out there for all to acknowledge what everyone already thinks about you.

Let's think a bit with that hat rack between that balding head, or hair hopping cranium, pushed up on top of your head.  The ring tome of your favorite country and western sanger, rap - gangster, rock drug head, or pop music flavor of the week, is pissing us off, so knock it off, and put your yapper on silence when in public.

Remember, just because no one isn't saying it to your face that you're a F##$ing dumba## doesn't mean you are escaping the vibes.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cops and the Quake

I had the distinct pleasure of waiting in my car as a motorcycle police officer waved cars through from multiple directions while he was yelling into his cell phone. I didn't roll down the window to determine what the conversation was a about because I was trying to concentrate on moving up and out of traffic when it was my turn. I believe the traffic was moving slower than usual because drivers had less trust in their trusted official trying to sort out the jam while yakking on his cell phone. I mean, when the cops are idiots and they can't keep their head in the job; how the hell are we suppose to keep insurance rates down? This is a fool’s paradise and the fools are going to pay through the nose to the insurance companies, dragging the rest of us, kicking and screaming all the way, with higher rates with this kind of behavior (on-the-job).

On a more somber note, the earth quake in Japan is a tragedy of mammoth proportion and my heart and prays go out to the families in all of the countries who have lost people, homes, livelihoods and are now having to live this burden. We can take some, but little comfort that those people with cell phones have been taking video and camera shots of the quake as it happened and the aftermath, to show how devastating this event was. Cell phones are also being used to help find and rescue the thousands that stranded in the rubble and to let loved ones know they are safe. Truly the cell phone is a remarkable tool even though it is abused by many, a natural disaster makes this tools a must have by nearly everyone on the planet.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Talking on the Turn

It's as if all of the people who are patient and civil seem to allow their fellow drivers more leeway until they realize that the shmuck or shmucket in from of them is talking on their cell phone while creeping along like a four mile an hour granny (even if she is) and then begins the cursing, hand gestures, horn blowing, and pissy looks that could kill.  Oddly enough the moron in front of this primer of patience doesn't even realize the mischief they are causing driving while talking.

It is clear that if you drive and talk at the same time you are causing a lot of trouble for those around you, even if you think you are not engaging in dangerous driving behaviors.  Let me send you folks a clue.  If you aren't paying attention to the road and employing defensive driving techniques, you are engaging in dangerous behavior.

You may not be hitting someone with your car, but just as many people die and are seriously injured by someone hitting you with their car.   When you are driving in a crowded street for God's sake turn the phone off, put down your beer or your joint, clear your head and let's act like safety conscience adults.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Safety, Safety, Safety

The three things that you need to know about real estate are: location, location, location. Safety is the number one issue for cell phone calls. If you drive and talk, walk and talk, operate vehicles and talk, you are working yourself into a major accident.  I know that most people drive and talk (even though some states have laws against it) but even though driving and talking on a cell phone is a no-no it doesn’t seem to be enforced very aggressively by the police (unless you get into an accident, then it’s your fault automatically, sort of like when you have been drinking).

The people that really scare me on the road are the truckers that talk on their cell phones while driving.  I watched a trucker make a U turn a few days ago while on a state route in Florida (where it is suppose to be illegal to talk on a cell phone and drive) using one arm, make the turn, while simultaneously talking on his cell phone. What an idiot!

Look people, I know there are a lot of folks out there that are not very bright, some have even made it through grade school, without some much as a hiccup, but let's try to work on safety if we can't work on civility (being civil to one another).

For those people who think before they speak, please think before you start or continue talking on cell phone.  Ask this question -- is it safe?